Webinar Prof. Ravit Golan Duncan (Rutgers University), "Grasp of Evidence Framework: From Theory to Practice"
Comprehending and evaluating scientific evidence is not trivial, especially in the current "post truth" era with its rampant misinformation and fake news. Moreover, evaluating scientific evidence (even simplified evidence presented in the media) entails some disciplinary knowledge of core concepts in the domain and an understanding of the epistemic criteria for what counts as good evidence in that domain. In this presentation I will review the Grasp of Evidence framework for reasoning with evidence and illustrate the ways in which this framework has guided our design of learning environments and our analyses of student engagement with evidentiary reasoning. In particular, the learning environments we have designed provide students with opportunities to engage with an array of diverse evidence in order to determine which of two or more models better explains the scientific phenomenon they are trying to understand. The evidence provided to them varies in quality in terms of its source (anecdotal versus generated by experts), the method (sample size, controlling for confounds, etc.), and how conclusive it is in supporting or refuting the competing models. Our analyses of student' written arguments and class discussions about evidence and models reveal sophisticated use of epistemic ideals and reliable processes.
Ravit Golan Duncan is a Professor of Learning Sciences with a focus on Science Education at the Rutgers Graduate School of Education. She has several lines of research that focus on epistemic practices, justice-oriented teaching, and learning progressions. She spends much of her time designing instructional materials that are aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards and that also promote meaningful and consequential learning for students. Dr. Duncan coordinates and teaches in the Biological Sciences Certification Program; preparing the future secondary teachers in New Jersey. She is an Associate Editor for the Journal of the Learning Sciences and a section Co-Editor of Science Education. This year she is the President-Elect of the International Society of the Learning Sciences.
The webinar will be held online via Zoom in English.
Meeting-ID: 692 4352 8648